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Auteur de la discussionJOANNA
Date de début
felicien Anonyme
Hello, in jamaica you must taste curry chicken, curry goat and curry shrimp, but don't eat the oxtail. You can drink coconut water, spring water, jamaica fruit punch, iced tea with lime and the tropical rhythms. Good bye !!!!!!
Kévan Anonyme
Hello, in Jamaica you can eat curry chicken,curry goat, jerk pork. You should absolutely try callaloo and saltfisch, and you can drink tropical rhythms, or coconut water. Enjoy Jamaica,goodbye
Girardi Leona 5eA Anonyme
Hello, In Jamaica you can eat Curry chiken, jerk pork,callaloo and saltfish,curry goat... There are the appetizers & pastries ther are coco bread,sweet potato pudding. And you can drink coconut water and spring water. Good bye Girardi Leona 5eA
fanny koehren Anonyme
Hello , in Jamaica you can taste curry chicken , you can also taste steamed fish and for drink i recommend you jamaican fruit punch . For appetizers & pastries try rum cake See you soon and have nice holiday .
Léo Anonyme
Hello, in Jamaica you can eat curry goat ,curry chiken , jerk chiken, jerk pork... You can also saltfish and callaloo its verry delicious. You can also drink fresh sqeez'd Lemonad or jamaican fruit punch. goodbye!😁
Léa Anonyme
Hello! In Jamaica you can eat curry goat, jerk pork, jerk chicken, rum cake, coco bread.... You can drink coconut water,tropical rhytms... Good bye !
Madeleine Anonyme
Hello, in Jamaica for the main meal you can taste curry chicken or jerk chicken. I suggest you rice and beans as additional sides. For dessert you can eat rum cake. It's very tasty.You can drink fresh squeez'd Lemonade. Enjoy, goodbye !!! Madeleine Ambiehl 5e A
Nicolas 5A Anonyme
hello, in jamaica you can eat curry goat, jerk chicken, jerk pork and you can find many fresh fruits like Pineapples, bananas, mangoes, papayas,... have a good trip.
What's happen? Foforum is becoming in English? Por que no Espagnol! Io parla Italiano...etc!
Leila Anonyme
hello in Jamaica you can eat curry chiken ,curry goat stew chiken ... You can also callaloo and saltfish and you can drink coconut water jamaican fruit punch and iced tea with lime its verry delicious goodbye!
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