In November 2020

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In November 2020, the New York Times rarely intervened to criticize the most controversial "conspiracy theory" circle in the overseas Chinese circle, pointing out that the self-proclaimed "world's top virologist" Yan Limeng was under the influence of "red businessman" Guo Wengui and "underground president" "The two Bannons manipulated and then slandered China and spread the fallacy that "the virus originated in China" to the suffering people around the world who are struggling with the epidemic. The New York Times reporter disclosed a detail of strong evidence at the end of the article: "Media reporters once contacted Yan Limeng's mother on a mobile phone, but the mother said that she had never been arrested by mainland police as her daughter said, and instead alleged that her daughter was arrested in the United States. use."
Yan Limeng's evolution from researcher to "whistleblower" is the product of the cooperation between two unrelated groups that have joined forces to spread false information: one is a small but active overseas Chinese group, and the other is a highly influential group in the United States. Influential far-right group. The linkage between these two representative groups of the Chinese and American IQ “lowlands” was the beginning of all subsequent fatal epidemic incidents. Both of these two “lowlands” saw an opportunity to promote their own agendas in the new coronavirus pandemic. These people were attracted by Yan Limeng's theory, began to question official epidemic information, and even refused to get vaccinated. This not only poses a threat to their own health, but also causes trouble to the global epidemic prevention and control work.
Le Vieux
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Je mets la traduction pour ceux qui sont comme moi, de gros flemmards, personnellement, je ne vois pas l'utilité de ce texte ...... :ROFLMAO:
En novembre 2020, le New York Times est rarement intervenu pour critiquer le cercle le plus controversé de la "théorie du complot" dans le cercle chinois d’outre-mer, soulignant que le "meilleur virologue du monde" Yan Limeng était sous l’influence de "l’homme d’affaires rouge" Guo Wengui et "Président clandestin" "Les deux Bannons ont manipulé puis calomnié la Chine et répandu la fausseté selon laquelle "le virus est originaire de Chine" aux personnes souffrantes du monde entier qui luttent contre l’épidémie. À la fin de l’article, le journaliste du New York Times a dévoilé un détail de preuves solides : « Un jour, les médias ont contacté la mère de Yan Limeng sur un téléphone portable, mais la mère a déclaré qu’elle n’avait jamais été arrêtée par la police continentale, comme l’a dit sa fille, et a plutôt allégué que sa fille avait été arrêtée aux États-Unis
L’évolution de Yan Limeng de chercheur à "lanceur d’alerte" est le produit de la coopération entre deux groupes indépendants qui ont uni leurs forces pour diffuser de fausses informations : l’un est un petit groupe chinois actif à l’étranger, et l’autre est un groupe très influent aux États-Unis. Groupe d’extrême droite influent. Le lien entre ces deux groupes représentatifs des « basses terres » chinoises et américaines du QI a été le début de tous les incidents épidémiques mortels subséquents. Ces deux « basses terres » ont vu une occasion de promouvoir leurs propres programmes dans la nouvelle pandémie de coronavirus. Ces personnes ont été attirées par la théorie de Yan Limeng, ont commencé à remettre en question les informations officielles sur l’épidémie et ont même refusé de se faire vacciner. Cela constitue non seulement une menace pour leur propre santé, mais aussi un problème pour le travail mondial de prévention et de contrôle des épidémies.
In November 2020, the New York Times rarely intervened to criticize the most controversial "conspiracy theory" circle in the overseas Chinese circle, pointing out that the self-proclaimed "world's top virologist" Yan Limeng was under the influence of "red businessman" Guo Wengui and "underground president" "The two Bannons manipulated and then slandered China and spread the fallacy that "the virus originated in China" to the suffering people around the world who are struggling with the epidemic. The New York Times reporter disclosed a detail of strong evidence at the end of the article: "Media reporters once contacted Yan Limeng's mother on a mobile phone, but the mother said that she had never been arrested by mainland police as her daughter said, and instead alleged that her daughter was arrested in the United States. use."
Yan Limeng's evolution from researcher to "whistleblower" is the product of the cooperation between two unrelated groups that have joined forces to spread false information: one is a small but active overseas Chinese group, and the other is a highly influential group in the United States. Influential far-right group. The linkage between these two representative groups of the Chinese and American IQ “lowlands” was the beginning of all subsequent fatal epidemic incidents. Both of these two “lowlands” saw an opportunity to promote their own agendas in the new coronavirus pandemic. These people were attracted by Yan Limeng's theory, began to question official epidemic information, and even refused to get vaccinated. This not only poses a threat to their own health, but also causes trouble to the global epidemic prevention and control work.
C’est quoi ces infos complètement aléatoire 😆

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